Nearly two years ago, in honor of the Windermere Foundation’s 25th anniversary, Windermere owners, agents, and staff came together and set a goal. That goal was to reach $30 million in total donations by the end of 2015. At that point, we were at $26 million in donations, so this meant raising $4 million in two years – nearly double what we had ever raised before.
We’re extremely proud and excited to announce that we have reached that goal – over three months early! This accomplishment was achieved thanks to the dogged determination of our franchise owners, agents, and staff who increased their giving, held more fundraisers, and brought new donors into the fold.
The mission of the Windermere Foundation is to support non-profit agencies that provide services to low-income and homeless families. So, just imagine how many more families these funds will help. How many more kids will be able to eat school lunches. How many more families will have milk in the fridge and food on the table. And how many more people will have their most basic needs met – and the dignity that goes with it.
If at any point during the past 26 years you’ve bought or sold a home using a Windermere agent, you too are a part of the Windermere Foundation, and you too have helped make a positive difference in the lives of your neighbors in need. On behalf of everyone at Windermere, thank for that, and thank you for helping us reach our goal.
To learn more about the Windermere Foundation or to make a donation, please visit