
Learn more about the home selling process from list to closing, including how to get your home ready to sell, how much your home is worth, and more.

Selling 3.8% Medicare Real Estate Tax: Fact or Fiction? You may have heard rumors about a 3.8% seller real estate tax to begin in 2013 and wondered if there was any truth to it.
Buying An Optimistic Outlook: 2012 Market Insights The real estate data that I have reviewed suggests some markets are likely to exhibit positive price growth in 2012. Markets that are seeing sustained employment growth and price stability in the second half of last year are the ones most likely to see some very modest price growth this year.
Buying December Perspectives The year is nearly over, the holidays are in full swing, and reflection and resolution are top of mind. As we look back at the past year, it’s clear that in many ways 2011 was a time of transition and renewal for the residential real estate market.
Buying Is Buying a Short Sale Right For You? If you're shopping for a home, you may have noticed that a large number of the homes that are currently on the market are short sales. A short sale occurs when a homeowner owes a lender more than their home is worth, and the lender agrees to let the owner sell the home and accept less than what is owed.
Buying Then and Now, Comparing Home Ownership Costs In recent years, real estate has become something of a polarizing topic; there are those who argue that it’s still a worthy long-term investment with tangible benefits; and others who don’t see the value of owning a home, financial or otherwise.
Buying Washington State Foreclosure Fairness Act Mediation Program As a homeowner it is important to know your rights. This article is specific to Washington State; please be aware of the foreclosure laws in your area.
Buying Apples and Oranges – Do we have short memories? In recent weeks, I have been reading much about the lack of confidence in the housing market that is demonstrated by declining transactions and prices. Although it is clear that we are far from “out of the woods” at this point, I would like to suggest that this news may not be as dire as everyone is thinking.
Buying When it comes time to downsize If you are inclined to feel that the home you currently reside in may have out-lived its purpose, you may be struggling with some of the same thoughts and emotions my husband and I had when it came to the emotional and financially sensitive decision to downsize.
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Selling Deciding to sell (Home resolutions, part IV) Choosing to put your house on the market is rarely easy, but if you must sell to move onto the next phase of your life, then you want to make sure your house is purchase-ready to get the most out of your investment.
Buying Practical resolutions: preparing for the best in 2011 (Part I) The new year offers the chance of renewed energy to accomplish the goals from past years and start fresh projects. This is the first post in a four-blog series about setting home resolutions, come back to see more information on making your existing home more personal, and buying and selling your home in 2011.
Selling Considering becoming a landlord? How to evaluate whether to rent or sell your property In deciding whether or not becoming a Landlord is right for you, there are a number of factors to consider, but primarily they fall into the following three categories: Financial Analysis, Risk and Goals.
Buying The Reality of Home Improvement: HGTV installment On any given weekend in my house, at least a couple of hours will be spent watching the designers, craftspeople and entertainers on HGTV or its spunky sister station, the DIY Network.
Selling Sellers: Making the Most of your First Impressions We all know first impressions are very important, but it’s the lasting impressions are the ones that sell your home.
Buying Investing in home: building a foundation for memories Finding and creating a home is an emotional, psychological, social and financial investment.
Buying What do you think about the recent market news? There is no question the economy and the housing market has slowed down over the last few years and the recent deluge of articles for and against homeownership is impossible for us to ignore. Ultimately, we believe that the American dream of homeownership is alive and well.
Living Yard Sale Success Yard sale season has arrived! Many people shy away from the idea of having a yard sale, but do you truly need that broken down accordion or the 80’s styled prom dress?
Selling Will videos surpass photos when it comes to marketing a home online? I recently read a real estate video report from Sept 6, 2009 stating that to market a home today the use of video is becoming more popular.
Selling An automatic co-pilot to estimate your home’s value Recently I was in the process of refinancing my home. With rates being as low as they are, I figured I'd better seize the opportunity.
Selling Going from homeowner to home seller The following post was written by Kathryn Madison, a real estate broker out of the Windermere Portland-Raleigh Hills office.
Buying What are you afraid of? Fear. Just the word alone scares me. A well-respected real estate professional once told me that there are 4 big fears for buyers and 3 big fears for sellers.