More July 13, 2016

Windermere Foundation Quarterly Report


Dear friends of the Foundation,

Thanks to your generous donations, the Windermere Foundation has collected nearly $818,000 in donations during the first half of 2016. This is an increase of 11 percent compared to this time last year! Individual contributions and fundraisers accounted for 61 percent of the donations, while 39 percent came from donations through Windermere agent sales transactions. So far, we have raised $31,677,000 in total donations since 1989.

Each Windermere office has its own Foundation fund account that they use to provide grants to organizations in their communities. Year to date, a total of $793,000 has been disbursed to non-profit organizations dedicated to providing services to low-income and homeless families throughout the Western U.S.


One recipient of Windermere Foundation funds was the Brigid Collins Family Support Center in Mount Vernon, Washington. The center is dedicated to ending child abuse by protecting children and building strong families. Founded in 1990, Brigid Collins Family Support Center is the legacy of a core group of volunteers who had a hope of better coordinating the community’s response to child abuse. Today, they have grown to serve more than 2,000 families each year throughout the Northwest corner of Washington State.

Here is how the Foundation donation from the Windermere Mount Vernon office has made an impact on this organization…


“Thanks to you, three-year-old Lucas, who was being neglected, is now thriving at home and in day care. Your generous contribution will help support services for children. Your care, concern and commitment are what make a difference for these children in our community.” ~Brigid Collins Family Support Center


Thank you to everyone who supports the Windermere Foundation. Because of you, kids like Lucas have the care they need to thrive. If you’d like to help support programs in your community, please click on the Donate button.

To learn more about the Windermere Foundation, visit