Shan Hu,  in Bellevue, Windermere

Shan Hu


Bellevue Commons

Windermere Real Estate/Bellevue Commons, Inc.
100 116th Ave SE

Bellevue, WA 98004

My name is Shan Hu. I work for the most extensive regional Real Estate Brokerage, Windermere Real Estate. After graduating from East China Jiaotong University and receiving my B.A., I started my first job as a managerial trainee at CLIC, one of the Fortune 500 companies. Then I co-founded an e-commerce solutions & operating agency company ( for brand names that want to build online stores and brands at Since then, Globe has become one of the most well-known, licensed brand e-commerce solution partners on

In 2012, I quit my job and came to the U.S. with my family. We started a new life here, and I joined PLU to pursue an MBA degree and received straight A(s) and BGS rewards (honoring the top 15% performers in Business school nationwide). After graduation, I landed a job at Morgan Stanley Seattle branch. In the meantime, I became a part-time Real Estate interpreter intended to help international customers. As someone interested in the Real Estate industry and enjoys helping others find their dream homes, my enthusiasm showed when I was only a part-timer. Eventually, I realized that I needed to pursue where my genuine passion lies. In 2017, I decided to devote my time to become a full-time Real Estate agent. I am always ready to help every client with my knowledge and skills for the real estate market, but most importantly, with my passion and conviction to guide and assist them through one of the most significant decisions of their life.

I love outdoor activities in my spare time, such as snorkeling, surfing, basketball, and traveling. Did I mention that I am a foodie too? I love different types of cuisines worldwide, and spicy foods are always on top of my list!

I am looking forward to connecting with you!

我叫胡珊,目前就职于西北地区第一的房地产公司Windermere。本科毕业于华东交通大学,大学毕业后为中国人寿管理培训生,随后合伙创建天猫( 第三方战略合作公司——戈洛博电子商务有限公司为首批入驻天猫的品牌提供战略咨询服务。

2012,我辞退了之前的工作和家人一起来到美国。经历了从准备出国的忐忑,到以全A顺利完成美国MBA课程并获得BGS荣誉(全美商科学业前15%受邀加入),之后顺利进入世界top3投行摩根斯坦利(Morgan Stanley)西雅图分行。期间兼职房产翻译,因为个性热情,乐于助人,以及对房地产行业的热爱,之后决定全身投入房地产行业。


